How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy for Blockchain Projects?

Written by

– Copywriter & Content Marketing Consultant for Ed-tech, Web3 & DTC brands
In recent years, the use of blockchain has spread and more applications for it are emerging all the time. In the blog, we will work on how to develop a content marketing strategy for a company that is at the core of this developing technology.

Blockchain technology was created to solve a lot of security issues that were seen in the banking industry. To make it accessible to the public, it needed an interface and that is what blockchain provides: an orderly system which manages the integrity of transactions that can be viewed by all yet still has accuracy and privacy.

Table of Contents

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

In simpler terms, you just analyze the set of eyes looking at your websites, social media, and other areas where you use your creativity to market your products and gauge what it is that they are looking for exactly. The closer your guess, the greater the effectiveness of your strategy.

Once you figure out what they actually need, you begin crafting content around their needs and start feeding them exactly what they are starving for.

Once you build a strong reputation for yourself in front of the targeted audience set through your content, you can start marketing products or services that your audience is most likely to consume or avail because tailoring custom content for them, has given you a better understanding of how they think and now you’re ready to influence what kind of thing they spend their money on!

Content marketing is all about attracting new customers and retaining old ones through creative and meaningful content!


Why do I Need a Strategy for Content Marketing for Blockchain Projects?

If you’re looking to market your blockchain project, then having a content marketing strategy is essential. Content marketing helps you connect with your target audience, build relationships and trust, and ultimately drive conversions.

Creating engaging and valuable content is not always easy, but it’s worth the effort. With a solid content marketing strategy in place, you can make sure that your blockchain project gets the attention it deserves.

When developing your content marketing strategy, consider the following:


Step 1: Find your Target Audience

Find out who your target audience is and what needs or wants they have that your project can address.


Step 2: Identify What Works for Your Audience

Knowing what type of content will be most effective in reaching and engaging your target audience is a pivotal part of your content marketing strategy. (Figure this out, and you’re halfway there!)


Step 3: Publish on the Right Platforms

Identify what platforms or channels will be most effective in reaching your target audience.


Step 4: Create Original Content and Publish It

Create interesting and original content that will help educate your target audience about blockchain and its potential use cases while promoting your products!


Step 5: Monitor Your Performance and Improvise

Once you are done posting your content, it’s time to measure your performance and give it some tweaks to add some shimmer to your content marketing strategy!

By keeping these considerations in mind, you can develop a content marketing strategy that will help you reach and engage your target audience with this exciting new technology.


What Does a Good Marketing Strategy Mean for a Blockchain-Based Startup?

Blockchain as a technology has massive potential across all the different industries and can be a game changer for businesses that give high priority to transparency, data privacy, and security.

Because the entire business model of blockchain businesses is born out of the inability of current businesses to offer smart solutions to customers while promising high security and data transparency. This can change completely if businesses choose to integrate blockchain into their operations.

The way blockchains work is quite frankly not the easiest thing to understand and you don’t need to be a master of blockchain to utilize it and enjoy its perks.

And the same goes for your audience as well!

You don’t need to teach blockchain to your audience and transform them into full-blown blockchain engineers in order to promote your products. All you need to focus on is to communicate the advantages that blockchain has over current businesses, and how exactly it makes their lives easier!

Focus on the problem it solves, rather than the blockchain itself. Try to create awareness about the problem statement among the audience and then introduce the audience to the solution and the advantages they would have when they start using blockchain-based solutions over conventional methods.

The overall goal of your entire marketing campaign is to highlight how your business is different from others and what are the advantages of using your product or services over existing ones!

One of the things you should keep in mind while making your content strategy is: to try to not be over-promotional. Throw a good mix of educational posts into the lot to strike a good balance between promotion and awareness.


You can use this 80/20 rule of content marketing that suggests that 80% of your content should be useful to the audience, and you 20% of your content should be promotional, to get the best out of your content marketing strategy!


How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy for Blockchain Projects?

From now on, we will share a step-by-step process  Guide that you can literally steal to build a winning content marketing strategy for your blockchain project. Let’s Go!


Have a Clearly Defined Goal

What are your objectives for creating a content marketing strategy? What motivates you to create content and develop a content marketing strategy?

You’ll have an easier time deciding what’s best for your strategy if you know your goals before you start planning.


Design a Buyer’s Persona

You must precisely define your content’s target audience, also known as your buyer persona – in order to create an effective plan. This is especially true for people who are just getting started in marketing. You can create more relevant and valuable content that your target audience will want to read and convert to if you know who they are.


Choose Your Ideal Platforms

Select the platforms on which you should start creating content. Find out the place on the internet where your target audience likes to spend most of their time. Also, think of the mindset your audience might have while scrolling through that platform. The platform plays a huge role in getting conversions and scaling your project.

For web 3 projects, it can be a blog on your website, TwitterLinkedInDiscord, and Reddit where you’ll find most web 3.0 enthusiasts.


Come Up With Ideas

It is really important to create content on the right topics to attract, engage and eventually convert your audience. Talk about their benefits, talk about the questions they might have or address their pain points in a creative way.

I am listing a few resources that you can use to generate relevant content ideas:

Answer the public 


Publish and Promote Your Content

As much as publishing, your content needs good promotion as well. A marketing expert once quoted:

“ If you spend 2 hours creating a piece of content, spend 20 hours marketing it”

Find out the right ways to put your content in front of the audience that would like to buy from you.


How Can I Improve the Consistency and Quality of my Content Marketing for Blockchain?

If you’re looking to improve the quality and consistency of your content marketing for blockchain, here are a few tips:

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your target audience.

What kinds of questions are they asking about blockchain? What are their pain points? Once you know who you’re writing for, it will be easier to create content that resonates with them.

  • Plan your content in advance. By mapping out what you want to cover and when you can avoid last-minute scrambling and ensure that your content is always fresh and relevant.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix things up. A mix of blog posts, infographics, videos, and other types of content will keep things interesting for your audience and help you reach more people.
  • Keep an eye on your analytics. Pay attention to which pieces of content are getting the most traction and adjust your strategy accordingly.

    By following these tips, you can develop a strong and effective content marketing strategy for blockchain that will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.


Popular Avenues of Content Marketing that you can Use to Boost Engagement

Content Marketing covers a vast majority of content formats over a bunch of different platforms and it’s best if you figure out what formats perform better.

Here’s a list of the most popular content formats that are currently trending in the current content marketing ecosystem:



If you have not noticed yet, this is also a blog post, and the fact that you come back here is a testament to the power of blog posts. Blogs are an effective way to build an audience and retain them over long periods of time.


Case Studies

Case studies are an awesome way to build credibility for your brand while sharing educational posts to your audience. A case study is perhaps the most versatile piece of content that can take the form of an article, blog, or infographic.


Have Conversations Through Your Content

The digital space is flooded with content. Therefore, you need to have something special to stand out. Making personalized content that resonates with your audience is the best way to stay relevant. Interactive content helps engage audiences on a deeper level and they keep coming back for more.


Adapt to Your Audience’s Needs

Everything around us grows and is destined to change with time, if you do not adapt to change, you will just be churning out irrelevant content. The pandemic was a major event for everyone and changed the way people perceive markets, keep that in mind while you draft your content.


Focus on the Clicks

When creating your content marketing strategy, you should first set benchmarks and standards to measure your progress. Click-through rates or CTRs are an awesome way to measure your progress. Because the end goal is more visitors, not the rankings.



An infographic is a graphical representation of data. To convey messages quickly, infographics use a variety of elements such as images, icons, text, charts, and diagrams.



Videos are a great alternative to text-based content pieces, as they are easier to consume and can convey a lot of information in a comparatively short amount of time. It is a great way to add another layer to your content marketing strategy.



Podcasts are another great variation from text-based content pieces and also give you the flexibility to attract an audience from a wide set of fields and interests and boost your brand awareness among those who don’t like reading blogs and articles and prefer videos.


Not-so-usual Content Promotion Ideas for Blockchain Projects


Advertise on Brave

Brave is a niche web browser popular with blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiasts for its privacy, ad blocking, and crypto-currency-based advertising and rewards system. Brave is trying to distinguish itself by offering users the choice of viewing ads in exchange for the Basic Attention Token (BAT), Brave’s cryptocurrency.

You can register your website on the platform and advertise in front of a warm audience.


Register on Product Hunt 

Consider placing your product on Product Hunt, a free community-based website that connects product developers with consumers who want to try new things. It’s a fantastic method for a new product or service to generate traction, raise exposure, and receive vital feedback from early adopters.


Explore the Unexplored Territories

While you may and should continue to grow your social media followings on sites like Twitter, Reddit, and LinkedIn, you shouldn’t just restrict yourself to these platforms. You must engage with the audience on the platforms they use if you want to build a relevant audience.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts pioneered the use of alternative social media platforms such as Telegram, and now – Discord.

Blockchain startups can build communities on discord and offer project-related info, rewards, activities, etc. to keep their audience engrossed with the project. Discord has only been around for three years and already has 130 million registered users.



Denial never lasts longer than belief, and as long as there are people who trust the technology and believe in the infinite use cases it has in almost all imaginable sectors. The future of blockchain is secure. So why deny the obvious and be oblivious to the fact that blockchain will prevail? Start early, and get a head start, because marketing is all about competition, and you can’t just be wearing your shoes, while others are already at the start line waiting for the shot!

If you want to develop a content marketing strategy for blockchain, the most important thing is to understand your audience. Once you know who your target market is, you can create content that appeals to them and helps them understand the potential of blockchain technology. If you can do that, you’ll be well on your way to success.

Originaly published


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